Livin' it up.
While my thoughts often seem to be firmly planted in a land of fabulous fashion, shoes, and beauty, I actually do have interests outside of those areas. I have several non-fashion loves, but the one I want to talk about today is my love of lifestyle magazines and wholistic living.
I adore my new fashion glossies just as much as any fashionista, but something that gets my heart racing even faster are magazines that inspire me to "pinterest-ify" my entire life. I find that I really enjoy pulling away from the heavy emphasis on appearances in fashion magazines that often leave me struggling to balance my love of fashion, design, and aesthetics with the way that it often leads me to feel more critical towards my life and appearance. I love how magazines like "Whole Living" leave me with an empowered feeling, and a focus on how can improve myself and be happier, rather than constantly searching for the next trend or purchase.
Lately, I've been trying to "walk the talk." For example, I keep saying I wanted to get a yoga pass and start doing yoga regularly. I'm excited to say that after a year or more of talking about doing it, I finally went and did it. Yay! (And of course, I needed a cute bag to carry my stuff to the yoga studio... Which is where my adorable new Bliss yoga bag from Lululemon comes in...)
image via lululemon
But to tie in my point about wholistic living, I've also been making an effort to eat foods that are healthier and more natural. (Plus, "shopping the perimeter" [avoiding canned/processed foods] at the grocery store is way more cost effective, especially when you plan ahead!) Examples of recipes I've been trying includes Quinoa, Kale and Turkey Burgers from local chef and blogger Bianca of the Vitality Guide for Women. I absolutely adore her website, it's full of AMAZING resources for healthy cooking, and her recipes are always incredible. I've been emphasizing lots of green salads, healthier grains, fresh fruits, and lean meats (preferably salmon and chicken breasts). And you can't forget water!
In addition to the yoga and eating habits I've been building, I'm working on my emotional well-being, something I've always tended to ignore, often to the detriment to my overall health. Making better eating choices and being physically active definitely helps in this area, but I've also been loving MindBloom and its corresponding iPhone app, Bloom*. I love how this "life game" helps me keep track of activities and things that inspire me, in order to encourage me to be more mindful of these goals.
What do you think about wholistic living? Do you sometimes struggle to balance your love of fashion and aesthetics with self-criticism? What excites you and inspires you to make choices that will make you happier?
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