Quick Update
Hi everyone!
I just wanted to put a quick update out there, for those of you who have been wondering where i've disappeared to !
This season I was thrilled to be brought on to the Western Canada Fashion Week team as the Blogger Liaison, where my tasks included organizing our blogger attendees, running the official WCFW blog, sending out material to some of our fabulous sponsors, and filling in other odd tasks. As a result of juggling those tasks with being a full time student, I haven't had a chance to get any coverage up on here yet. I'm hoping to get a summary/highlights post up here sometime this week.
Another thing I'm looking forward to starting is a new series on here- Manners Mondays. I am passionate about etiquette and manners, and it's something I would love to share. Look for that in the upcoming weeks. Also, I will be posting the 22 before 22 list I created for my birthday in August, so you can follow along with my journey throughout the year. It's going to be exciting!