Start with a bang (or a roar)!
Shirt- Karen Kane
Pants- Walmart
Lipstick- Autumn by Estee Lauder
I adore fashion- always have, always will! My fondest childhood memories include the pink princess dress my mom couldn't get me to stop wearing, and even though I can no longer wear it, I still play dress up every morning. In developing my own personal style, I have found a lot of inspiration in fashion magazines and also many of the fabulous fashion blogs that have started to take the fashion world by storm. However, although these have been wonderful, I am often disappointed at the lack of material directed towards the plus-sized woman or curvier girl. As well, Edmonton is the home of a growing fashion scene which certainly deserves promotion. One day I thought about all of the lovely ladies (and men!) behind the blogs I read, and realized that instead of wishing for the blog I had been looking for, I should just start my own! And after great encouragement from family and friends, voila- Curvaceous Chic was born! I have lofty goals for this blog, and I hope to have all the technical details worked out by the end of Christmas holidays so that I can think less about formatting and more about posting.
This is one of my favorite shirts, fits me like a loose tunic, and flows perfectly over my curves. It's my go-to shirt on the days when I feel less than perfect, or like a few additional hours of sleep might have been good. It takes me from feeling sub-par to queen of the jungle- ROAR!
Labels: What I Wore